SRT Research

SRT Research

Research conducted by Dr Terence Palmer PhD over a 10 year timeframe starting in 2011. 

Unlocking the Mysteries of Remote Spirit Release (RSR & SRT)

Insights from 1000 Client Cases, Over 10 Years Of SRT Research

In the vast landscape of spiritual healing, few modalities hold as much promise and potential for transformation as Spirit Release Therapy (SRT).
Dr Terence Palmer PhD, Psychic Mediums Andy Porter, Jonno Webster and other mediums all renowned practitioners in the field, have dedicated years of research and practice to exploring the depths of SRT and its profound impact on individuals’ lives.
Today, we delve into their groundbreaking work, shedding light on the raw data gleaned from over 1000 client cases.

The Power of Spirit Release Therapy

Spirit Release Therapy is a holistic approach to healing that addresses spiritual attachments, emotional wounds, and energetic imbalances.
It operates on the principle that unresolved issues and negative energies can attract and attach spirits to an individual’s energy field, leading to physical, emotional, or psychological disturbances. Through SRT, practitioners facilitate the release of these attachments, restoring balance, harmony, and well-being.

Pioneers in Spiritual Healing:

Dr Terence Palmer PhD, Andy Porter & Jonno Webster

Dr. Terence Palmer PhD, a leading expert in the field of SRT, has conducted extensive research into the efficacy and outcomes of spiritual release therapy.  His groundbreaking studies have provided valuable insights into the mechanisms of SRT and its impact on individuals’ lives.

Andy Porter and Jonno Webster gifted psychic mediums and practitioners of SRT, bring a unique blend of intuition, compassion, and expertise to his work. With a deep understanding of the spiritual realm and the human psyche, the SRT team have helped countless individuals navigate their healing journey with grace and wisdom.

Insights & Overview from 1000 Client Cases

Through their collaboration and dedication to the field, Dr Terence Palmer PhD, Andy Porter, Jonno Webster and other mediums have amassed a wealth of data from over 1000 client cases.
This raw data provides invaluable insights into the efficacy, outcomes, and transformative potential of SRT.


As we reflect on the insights gleaned from Dr Terence Palmer PhD 1000 client cases, we are reminded of the profound potential of Spirit Release Therapy to heal, transform, and empower individuals on their journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

As we look to the future, may we continue to embrace the transformative power of SRT and honor the pioneering work of Dr Terence Palmer PhD, Andy Porter, Jonno Webster and other dedicated SRT practitioners in the field. Together, let us journey forward with courage, compassion, and a deep commitment to healing and wholeness.

Danielle Lynch's Contributions:
Images and Presentations

Danielle Lynch, a dedicated practitioner and advocate for holistic healing, has created powerful images and presentations to showcase Dr Terence Palmer’s PhD research.
Through visually captivating presentations, Danielle has brought Dr. Palmer’s research findings to life, making them accessible to a wider audience. Her images and presentations serve as powerful tools for education, inspiration, and advocacy in the field of SRT.

As we reflect on Dr. Terence Palmer’s research and Danielle Lynch’s contributions, we are reminded of the profound potential of SRT to heal, transform, and empower individuals on their journey of self-discovery and spiritual awakening. With continued research, education, and advocacy, we can unlock the full healing potential of SRT and embrace a future where holistic healing is accessible to all.

Join us on this journey of exploration and discovery, as we delve deeper into the transformative power of Spirit Release Therapy and honor the pioneering work of Dr Terence Palmer PhD and Danielle Lynch.





RSR/SRT Overview Of 1000 Client Case Data

Client Geographical Locations

Client Presenting Medical Diagnosis

Client Sovereignty

Client Earthbound Attachments
(Discarnate Spirits)

Client Grounding

Client Inner Etheric Field

Client Referrer Relationship

Client Self Created Thought Forms

Presenting Client Conditions